"Secret Origins"
- J'onn's theme is introduced when Superman and Batman find him restrained in the military base, and it plays throughout the scene
- there seems to be a rarely-used Watchtower theme. It can be heard at the end of the episode, when the Watchtower is first revealed, and over the very last shot of the episode
"In Blackest Night"
- during the establishing shot of the Watchtower, the theme from "Secret Origins" (mentioned above) can be heard
"The Enemy Below"
- what Bruce Timm calls the "Aquaman family theme" -- which would later be adopted as the main Aquaman theme -- is introduced in a gentle rendition as Aquaman looks upon his son in Part One ("What kind of world am I making for our son?"), and then plays as a more grandiose, harrowing version in Part Two as Arthur and his son are about to meet their end, and Aquaman is forced to take drastic measures
"Injustice For All"
- Batman's theme plays as he has his final showdown with Joker at the end of Part Two
"Paradise Lost"
- Wonder Woman's theme is hinted at throughout Par One (such as when she is fighting the giant statue in the museum), but is introduced fully -- and played as a more complete piece than it ever will be again -- in Part Two after she accepts her mother's judgment as walks away between the rows of her Amazon sisters
"War World"
- Superman's theme is hinted at -- only a few notes are heard -- when Superman defeats the giant croc in Part One, and then when Mongul's advisor sees the S-shield graffiti all over the city in Part Two
"The Brave And The Bold"
- Flash's theme is introduced when Flash is chasing the two scientists in the stolen van in Part One; it's especially noticeable when he creates a whirlwind to save the couple from the falling debris, and when he saves the two scientists at the end of the chase. The theme can later be heard throughout both parts, such as when Flash is bragging to GL at the very end of Part Two
- Green Lantern's theme (from STAS' "In Brightest Day") is introduced when he catches the falling van at the end of Part One's chase sequence, and can be heard later in Part One when he bails Flash out of jail
- Gorilla Grodd's theme is introduced when he sucker-punches Flash ("That's for the banana.") in Part One, and then during the last shot of Part Two
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard several times, such as when she saves the helicopter and when she flies after Aresia's plane at the end of Part Two
- a Justice Guild theme can be heard in both parts, such as when they do the Roll Call in Part One, when Green Lantern is at their graves, and when they fade away at the end of Part Two
"A Knight of Shadows"
- J'onn's theme can be heard as he attempts to establish telepathic contact with Morgaine in Part One
- Etrigan / Jason Blood's theme is introduced during his scene in the prologue, and can later be heard at the very end of Part Two, as he walks away from the League, resuming his lonely mission
- Flash's theme plays briefly when he grabs Etrigan and carries him away from his battle with Morgaine in Part Two ("You can thank me later!")
- Metamorpho's theme can be heard throughout both parts, and is especially prominent when Rex reconstitutes himself at the end of Part Two
"The Savage Time"
- the first few notes of Batman's theme can be heard when we first glimpse "Alternate Batman" in Part One
- Vandal Savage's theme is introduced at the end of Part One's teaser, is used again when we first see him in Part One ("Mein Fuhrer! This just came in from the front!"), and can be heard throughout the episodes
- the Blackhawk theme -- loosely adapted from actual sheet music published in a 1940's Blackhawk comics -- is introduced in grand fashion when the squadron first appears, and plays throughout that battle. It is later heard in a more subdued version when the Blackhawks land and introduce themselves, and again in a rousing rendition when they make their dramatic return in Part Three to save the League's butts
- Flash's theme plays briefly in Part Three, when he runs out to sea to warn the Allied ships
- hinting at things to come, the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme is introduced as they fly off, hand in hand, at the end of Part Three
- Darkseid's theme can be heard at the end of teaser, when he Booms onto the Watchtower (and when he leaves), when he ambushes the League on the asteroid, and when he gives his speech to Superman ("A new universe created in MY image...")
- Brainiac's theme is hinted at (the first two notes) when his ship appears above Apokalips, and plays in full when he teleports up onto his ship ("It appears you've won this round..."), when his asteroid is revealed, when he first encounters the JL within the asteroid, and when he reveals his grand purpose for needing Superman
- Batman's theme plays when he has Wonder Woman drop him so he can grab Lightray
- Superman's theme can be heard when he heat-visions Brainiac and Brainiac's forcefield fails, and during his final showdown with Darkseid
"Tabula Rasa"
- Batman's theme plays both times he swoops down to confront AMAZO, each time just before he uses the kryptonite
"Only A Dream"
- Green Lantern's theme plays when he saves the cop from Volcana, and when he bursts from the battery to contront Dr. Destiny
- Flash's theme plays when he races out of "Flash HQ"
- J'onn's theme can be heard right before the Part Two commercial break ("Then do what you have to.") and continuing into Superman's dream in the Daily Planet, then again when he siphons off Superman's excess power, and when he tries to prevent GL from entering the battery
- the music heard when J'onn is chasing Superman over the skies of Smallville is a reprise of the cue from "Last Son of Krypton" where Clark first flies over the town
- Batman's theme is hinted at both times he begins humming
"Maid of Honor"
- Wonder Woman's theme plays during the battle with the kidnappers in the teaser, during her fight with the jets at the beginning of Part Two, when she takes the diamond earrings from Audrey, and when she takes out Colonel Vox
- Batman's theme can be heard when he confronts the Kasnian thieves, when he threatens the captured one in his own language, when the Batplane enters the battle against the Kasnia jets
- the Kasnia theme / Audrey's theme is introduced at the end of Part One, when Audrey picks up the sceptor and announces that the wedding will take place immediately. It is heard again throughout the "Previously on..." segment, when Diana and Batman let Audrey out of her room, when Diana and Audrey are surveying the wreckage of the castle, and as Audrey has Vandal Savage taken away
- Vandal Savage's theme (from "The Savage Time") plays at the end of his address to the world ("And there are going to be some changes..."), when he finishes telling his origin to Audrey
"Hearts And Minds"
"A Better World"
- Flash's theme plays after Batman reveals he won't be able to find a way for them to escape and Flash looks down at his chest, and then again after he releases Batman
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme (from "The Savage Time") plays when GL bursts into Hawkgirl's room at Arkham, and strokes her cheek
"The Terror Beyond"
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard several times during her fight with Aquaman, most prominently when she hovers above him and raises her eyebrow
- an evil version of the Superman theme plays when the possessed Superman burns Flash with his heat vision
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard when she lifts the car off of Flash in the initial fight, and when she takes down Deadshot
- Batman's theme plays when he decks Weather Wizard, when he eggs on Kalibak, and when he takes down Deadshot and Copperhead
- Superman's theme can be heard when he arrives at the initial fight, after his powers return in Part Two, and when the League first sees him again after his return
- the Death of Superman theme is introduced after Diana drops Toyman, and can later be heard during J'onn's eulogy, as the casket is carried down the street, during the toast on the Watchtower, during Batman's speech at the monument, when Superman sees his own monument, and when Wonder Woman says how Superman's death affected Batman
- the Return of Superman theme is introduced as he begins gathering provisions and getting the car to work, and can also be heard as he forges his sword, right after we find out who's top dog, as he and Savage begin work on the time machine, right after his powers are restored, as he returns to the past, as the League welcomes him back, and as Lobo is "fired"
- Vandal Savage's theme plays when he makes his appearance
"Secret Society"
- the Secret Society's theme is introduced in the teaser as the members are revealed, and plays again as Grodd explains the members' motives, during the Society's assault on Morgan Edge's island (starting from when the choppers open fire on Giganta), when the Society is revealed after Batman tracks down Clayface, when they ambush the League at the practice range
- Grodd's theme (from "The Brave and the Bold") can be heard as he begins to make his pitch to Shade, and as he explains how he's been messing with the League's moods. Also, the first note or two (played on a very creepy instrument) plays every time he uses his mental power
- Flash's theme plays as he creates whirlwinds to slow his snitch's fall, and when he knocks out Killer Frost in the final battle
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme can be heard at the end of their hilltop moment ("I'd give my life for you!"), and then a minute later as Hawkgirl receives the call telling her to go to the practice range
"Comfort And Joy"
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Low Theme plays as Hawkgirl give GL a kiss at the end of the episode
"Wild Cards"
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme plays during the awkward silence between the two in the teaser, right after Hawkgirl brings GL back to life with her mace, and leading up to -- and during -- The Big Kiss
- the cue that plays when the Royal Flush Gang makes their entrace, as well as much of the music associated with them throughout the episode, is intentionally similar in style to Batman Beyond music (as a tip of the hat to the team's "original" appearance)
- Batman's theme can be heard after he makes his entrance for the final battle, right after Joker knocks Harley out
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme is hinted at during the couple's mid-air flirting in the teaser, then can be heard in full when Hawkgirl give GL his ring back at the end of Part Two, when that same event is replayed using the holocam in Part Three, and finally when the two of them shut off the force field
- Superman's theme plays as he switches identities in the teaser
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard as she escapes from her cell in the Thanagarian ship, as she smashes the Thanagarians with the lamppost just before she and Batman enter the restaurant
- Flash's theme plays during his "Tails, I win!" moment in the Batcave
- Green Lantern's theme can be heard after his "Kiss my axe!" quip in the final battle
- Green Arrow's theme can be heard throughout the episode, most noticeably when he first appears in the teaser, when he's swinging out to save the soldier in the truck teetering on the bridge, and when he fires his final arrow at Brimstone
- Green Lantern's theme (or the first few notes of it) can be heard briefly when he first appears in the teaser, and more fully when he swoops in the save Ollie from Brimstone ("Guess I just can't help horning in!")
- Supergirl's theme (?) can be heard when she first attacks Brimstone ("There's always the direct way."), and then when she finally punches its head off
"For The Man Who Has Everything"
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard when she first wails on Mongul... and breaks her hands
- the music that played in "Last Son of Krypton" when Krypton was exploding is present again here, as the same thing happens in Superman's "dream"
- oddly enough, what sounds like the original Justice League theme (not the JLU theme or Superman's theme) plays when Superman wakes up and launches himself at Mongul
"Hawk and Dove"
- Wonder Woman's theme is played several times, particularly when she smashes the car in her civvies, when she tosses the Annhilator in mid-air, and when she says, "And I'll be waiting."
- Hawk and Dove seem to have their own theme; it can be heard when they first transform in the sports bar, and during the battle at the end (particularly when Hawk smacks the Annhilator with the tank)
- the Annhilator's theme is introduced when it's revealed in Hephaestus's workshop, and is probably used during the final battle, as well
"Fearful Symmetry"
- The Question's theme can be heard when he's first introduced in the cafeteria
- Galatea's theme can be heard when we first see her (in Hardcastle's home), when Supergirl and Green Arrow discovers Galatea's origins by reading the Nuvogen files, when Tea appears to face off against Supergirl in the holodeck, and during the ensuing battle. Additionally, the music in the teaser (during the fight/chase sequence between "Supergirl" and the soldiers) is a rock-guitar rendition of Galatea's theme... in other words, the villain's music played with what is traditionally the hero's intruments... in order to establish the mystery of the character's dual origins
"Kid Stuff"
- Superman's theme can be heard when he's handed poopy-pants Etrigan, and later when he catches the falling child
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard when she smashes the giant toy with one punch, when she's fighting the gargoyle, and right after her speech to the kids
- Green Lantern's theme can be heard when he creates the giant robot and uses it to face off against Mordred
- Batman's theme, though hard to make out, can be heard when he's facing off against the giant toy, and then Mordred, in Mordred's throne room
"This Little Piggy"
- Wonder Woman's theme plays when Wonder Pig deflects the bullet, and when Diana is restored, busts through the wall, and breaks her bonds
"The Return"
- the Green Lantern theme is everywhere in this episode. It can be heard in the teaser when Kyle and the Corps are forming the shield around Oa, when the Corps rescues the survivors of the space battle, when the Corps is flying to confront AMAZO, and when Dr. Fate steps aside to allow them to pass
- Supergirl's theme can be heard as she flies head-on into AMAZO
- The Atom's theme is introduced as he grows to reveal himself in Luthor's bunker
"The Greatest Story Never Told"
- Booster Gold has a theme, which can be heard during Skeets' promotional video in the teaser, when Booster saves the kid's ants, and in other places
- the (very Superfriendsy) Ultimen theme can be heard several times, such as when the group first appears, when Longshadow grows to stare down Giganta, and as Longshadow's ringtone (!)
- Amanda Waller's theme is introduced when Waller makes her first appearance, and at the end when Waller, her troops, and Maxwell Lord arrive to take the Ultimen into custody
"Dark Heart"
- The Atom's theme can be heard as he grows out of the pertri dish in his lab
"Wake The Dead"
- Aquaman's theme (from "The Enemy Below") can be heard as he rises out of the water on top of the octopus, and prevents the bridge from collapsing
"The Once And Future Thing, Part I: Weird Western Tales"
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard as she's deflecting "the biggest, slowest bullets [she's] ever seen", and during the final battle
- Batman's theme can be heard during his Eastwood moment ("Go ahead. Give me an excuse.")
- Green Lantern's theme can be heard during the final battle
- the original Justice League theme can be heard during the Magnificent Eight moment
- the Batman Beyond theme is hinted at as Terry, Static, and Warhawk swoop down at the very end
"The Once And Future Thing, Part II: Time, Warped"
- Batman's theme can be heard when Old Bruce reveals himself, and when Old Bruce is about to commence his interrogation of Ghoul
"The Cat And The Canary"
- Green Arrow's theme plays when he uses his handcuff arrow on Wildcat, and then swoops down dramatically
- the Green Arrow / Black Canary love theme can be heard throughout the episode
"The Ties That Bind"
"The Doomsday Sanction"
- an ultra-dark version of the Superman theme can be heard as Supes lays his final blows on Doomsday and sends him hurtling into the volcano
- when the San Baquero volcano erupts, the cue from "Fearful Symmetry" where the Nuvogen building explodes can be heard (the "We've really ticked the government off now" theme?)
"Task Force X"
- Task Force X's theme is introduced in the teaser (it can be heard clearly just before the opening titles), and can later be heard when Deadshot is being introduced to the other members, when the team knocks out the support techs in the cornfield, when the team is about the escape from the Watchtower (before J'onn interferes), and elsewhere
- the Annhilator's theme can be heard when Flagg reveals it to Captain Boomerang
- Waller's theme / the Cadmus theme plays when Waller and Tala arrive at the warehouse near the end of the episode
"The Balance"
- the Annhilator's theme is heard in the teaser when we see that Tala is working with it
- Wonder Woman's theme can be heard throughout the episode, particularly as she destroys the Annhilator at the end
"Double Date"
- the Green Arrow / Black Canary love theme can be heard when Ollie is tending to Dinah's injured hand outside of the safehouse
- The Question's theme can be heard as Huntress hears him muttering to himself in his room, and she goes in to investigate
- Batman's theme plays when Parasite first spots him in the teaser
- Superman's theme -- almost the entire piece, in fact -- can be heard as he saves the plane in the teaser
- Captain Marvel's theme is introduced when we first see him (as he's finishing Parasite off), and can later be heard as he strolls the halls of the Watchtower in wonder, when he first transforms back into Billy Batson, and during his speech to the senior members at the end of the episode
"Hunter's Moon"
- Vigilante's theme is introduced during his "I'm comin', darlin'!" moment, as he pilots the Thanagarian ship to save Vixen
"Question Authority"
- The Question's theme plays at several points, such as when he and Huntress speak after their raid on the Cadmus facility
- Galatea's them can be heard when Waller walks in on her training at the end
"Panic In The Sky"
- Galatea's theme can be heard as she boards the Watchtower, and when she and Supergirl are about to face off (right before the act break)
- Batman's theme plays when he confronts Luthor at the end
- Brainiac's theme can be heard when he reveals himself in the final seconds of the episode
"Divided We Fall"
- J'onn's theme plays when he shouts "No!" and hurls himself at Brainthor (right before Brainiac says "I was not prepared for this battle.")
- Flash's theme can be heard as he battles with his Justice Lord duplicate
- the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme (from Seasons 1 and 2) plays when Lantern is facing off against his duplicate, and when John and Shayera joke around as they destroy each other's opponents
- Brainiac's theme can be heard several times, such as when he and Luthor absorb the Dark Heart nanotech and Golden Brainthor is born
- when the Luthor-bot is daring Superman to use his heat vision, the cue from "A Better World" (from the teaser, when Lorder Superman fries Luthor) is reprised
- when Green Arrow is giving his speech at the end, a cue from the "Initiation" teaser where GA refuses to join is reprised (the "GA can't tow the line to save his life" theme?)
- normally I don't mention when the JLU theme is used, but it can be heard in a really cool techno-electronica arrangement when the future Justice League is battling the Iniquity Collective
- the Batman Beyond theme plays when Terry swoops down the aid the JLU in the same sequence
- Phantasm's theme (from Mask of the Phantasm) is hinted at as Andrea makes her surprise appearance in the parking garage
- the "First Love" theme from the same movie is hinted at as Terry opens the box to reveal the engagement ring while he's on the phone with Dana
- and, of course, the theme that started it all -- Shirley Walker's phenomenal Batman theme -- can be heard at the end of the episode, as Terry flies through the steel canyons of Gotham City, and the circle is complete
"I Am Legion"
- Luthor's music (though calling it a theme might be stretching it) from "Last Son of Krypton" plays when he's cornered by the police in the alleyway
- Grodd's theme (from "The Brave and the Bold") can be heard when Grodd reveals himself in the teaser, and when he's showing Luthor around the Hall of Doom
- the JLU theme plays as we see the MetroTower for the first time
- Brainiac's theme plays when Grodd reveals the remaining piece to Luthor, and then seconds later when Brainiac actually appears
- the Blackhawk theme (from "The Savage Time") plays numerous times throughout the episode
"Shadow Of The Hawk"
- Batman's theme can be heard briefly when he's first revealed to have followed Shayera and Carter Hall into the tomb
- Hawkman's theme is introduced when he first dons his costume, and can be heard again as he's diving through the collapsing ruins in search of the Absorbacron
"Chaos At The Earth's Core"
"To Another Shore"
- Wonder Woman's theme is used several times, such as when she does her spin transformation and when she dives underwater
- Green Arrow's theme is used when he first joins the battle, and -- in one of my favourite GA moments of all time -- when he sings his own theme as he boards Devil Ray's submarine
"Flash and Substance"
- Flash's theme is everywhere in this episode -- pick a spot where Flash is on-screen, or being talked about, and odds are you'll hear it. It can be heard in its most extended form as Flash runs underneath the "YOU ARE ENTERING CENTRAL CITY" sign, and continues from there until Flash hears the little girl crying
- Batman's theme plays as he's staring down Captains Boomerang and Cold, just before Mirror Master tries to choke him from behind
"Dead Reckoning"
"Patriot Act"
- Vigilante's theme from "Hunter's Moon" is reprised during the moment where he shoots his own motorcycle
- what seems to be Shining Knight's theme can be heard a couple of times as he swoops down on his horse towards Eiling
"The Great Brain Robbery"
- Green Lantern's theme can be heard as he cuts the top off of the Javelin to confront "Flash" in the hangar bay
- Grodd's theme plays when he meets Flash-in-Lex, and tells him he knows about the mind switch
- Flash's theme plays after Dr. Fate reverses the mind-switch, and Wally proves his indentity
"Grudge Match"
"Far From Home"
- a cue from "Little Girl Lost, Part One" -- specifically, from when a plain-clothed Kara is flying over the farm -- is enlisted to become the new Supergirl theme, and can be heard during her training session, during her "last stand" against GL and the Legion, and during the final heroic shot of her when the Fatal Five is defeated
- Green Lantern's theme plays when he's shooting at Emerald Empress's eye-thingy
- Green Arrow's theme can be heard as he makes his trick-shot to take out the Fatal Five's mind control transmitter
- the Legion of Super-Heroes theme (from STAS' "New Kids in Town") plays while Brainiac 5 is telling our heroes about the Legion, and showing them the images of all the members
"Ancient History"
- Hawkman's theme plays when he makes his entrance in the teaser, and when he first attacks Shadow Thief in the museum later on
- Green Lantern's theme can be heard when his past incarnation makes his first appearance in the "flashback", and when he runs off to find Vixen near the end of the episode
- a slightly disguised version of the Green Lantern / Hawkgirl Love Theme plays during the early parts of the horse riding scene, and during the poison scene. A clearer version plays at the tail end of the scene by the pond
- the music in the pond scene -- starting when the two starting looking all lovey-dovey at each other -- is a reprise of the final cue from "Wild Cards" (i.e. the famous Big First Kiss scene)
- Brainiac's theme (the Brainthor version from "Divided We Fall") plays when Luthor's machine is activated and Brainiac is being ressurected (or so we think)...
- ...but then Darkseid's theme takes over when we realize just who Luthor brought back from the dead
- Darkseid's theme can be heard during the "Previously..." segment, when he first descends to fight Superman, Batman, and Luthor, and throughout the ensuing battle
- Superman's theme plays -- in a suitably "HELL YEAH!" arrangement -- plays during his "world of cardboad" speech and his royal beatdown of Darkseid
- and finally, a beautiful arrangement of the main JLU theme plays during the staircase sequence at the very end of the episode, bringing the series to a close
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